Shanti Gyan Niketan's Vision & Mision


Swami Vivekananda stated

"It is for us to accommodate ourselves in the world and not for the world to accommodate us ."

In line with this philosophy, we here in school look into an all-round development of the children through academic, co-curricular and sports activities that are essential for physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of the children.

With the turn of the century, we are continually redefining strategies & focusing on new destinations. . While we are retaining and adding on to our current strengths & assets, we are creating new relationships & synergies.



  • Education for All,
  • Education for Life,
  • Excellence in Education,

Is what we believe at SGN and our commitment to a meaningful Education is of prime importance. We provide quality education to each and every child of our school irrespective of caste, color or creed.

Real education is what ultimately remains, after one has forgotten all that one has learnt in schools and colleges. The initial years should develop in the child a love for education and create conditions for him to pursue a positive approach in life.

A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group coordinator, nurturing students without the phobia of examinations and homework.

Emphasis is laid on cultivation of all three dimensions of the mind, body and spirit and not on mere cramming for examination purposes. Developing of oral and written expression requires individual attention, which is emphasized upon. Children are enabled to develop self-learning skills during classroom teaching rather than complete dependence on private tuitions.

Gifted children are identified and all facilities given for the full flowering of their potential. Appropriate measures are taken for children with special needs.



About SGN

On Aug. 15, 1989 a sapling called Shanti Gyan Niketan was planted by the auspicious hands of Prof. Sh. Moonis Raza, the then Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University...>>Read More

Stress on all-round development of the students. Help students to discover their 'Self' from >>Read More

Vision & Mission
We here in school look into an all-round development of the children through academic, co-curricular and sports activities...>>Read More