New & Important Updates



I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for each and every one of you. Your remarkable achievements are a testament to your hard work, dedication and perseverance.

Jyoti Yadav (Xll Batch 2008-09),congratulations on clearing the Indian Foreign Services Exam conducted by UPSC in 2022 and securing AIR 385. Your achievement is truly remarkable and inspiring.


Diya Singhal (Xll Batch 2021-22),I am thrilled to hear that you have taken admission in Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi. Your commitment to pursuing a career in medicine is both admirable and inspiring.


Tarun Kumar Sharma (X Batch 2020-21),congratulations on taking admission in Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. Your passion and dedication for the field of medicine is truly inspiring and I am confident that you will make significant contributions to the field.


Rudra Dehraj (Xll Batch 2022-23),congratulations on securing an MBBS seat in University College of Medical Sciences, GTB hospital New Delhi. Your hard work and dedication has paid off and I am certain that you will excel in your studies.


Suryavansham Sahoo (Xll Batch 2022-23)has taken admission in lIT Kharaghpur.Stay blessed forever.



All of you have made us proud with your accomplishments and I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. Your achievements are a source of motivation for all of us and we look forward to seeing what you accomplish next.

Once again, congratulations to you & your parents and best wishes for your future endeavors.



Raj Kumar Khurana

Managing Director